About Us
We are a three form entry infant school for ages 7 -11, situated in the residential area of Hempstead on the edge of the Medway Towns. Despite our large size, we are proud of the 'village feel' we have established at the school and alongside our local community.
Our school motto Challenge, Resilience, Confidence and Respect reflects our high aspirations and ambitions for children and staff and there is a determination to ensure that all pupils and adults in the school reach their full potential; we are committed to ensuring equality of opportunity for all, regardless of situation or background. We are continually looking for ways in which we can improve the school further.
Hempstead Infant School is a happy and inclusive school of which our children are proud. We want them to have special and happy memories of their time at Hempstead Infant School.
The quality of teaching, learning and assessment is good overall. Teachers know pupils
well. Relationships in classrooms are positive and respectful. Consequently, pupils
enjoy learning and make good progress in a range of subjects from their different
starting points...Communication between staff is strong. Classroom visits revealed staff working well in
year-group teams, providing support where it is needed most. Teaching assistants are
particularly effective in supporting pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities. This is
particularly the case for pupils who have additional speech and language needs, or
pupils who require additional support to engage in the classroom.Ofsted September 2018
We always expect high standards of behaviour and manners, and children and adults alike are respectful to each other. Pupils are encouraged to take responsibility in school roles such as our Helping Hands and Play Leaders.
The curriculum, both during and after school, provides children with many opportunities for a wide range of activities and access to the arts and humanities, and sport. The Federation (Junior School) can provide extended Breakfast Club provision from 7:30am and provides many after school clubs run by staff and volunteers. I am extremely proud of our children with their positive attitudes towards learning, the way they take responsibility for their own learning and strive to do even better. Visitors always comment on the happy, purposeful environment and the warm welcome they are given by our children and staff.
I hope this website gives you a flavour of our school and the exciting things that take place within it. Come and visit us to see for yourself!
Mr Paul Cross, Head Teacher