GSO Test

Our School Day

Please find below an outline of a typical day at Hempstead Infant School. We also ensure that the pupils participate in an act of collective worship daily, whether that is part of a whole school assembly or the class assembly.

 0840 Classroom doors open
 0850 Doors closed
 0855 Registers close
 0900-1015 Learning time
 1015-1030 Break time (but times may vary)

Learning time

 1145-1245 Foundation Stage lunchtime
 1200-1300 KS1 lunchtime
1300-1500 Learning time
 1500 End of school day

 Length of the school day = 6 hrs 10 mins

From September 2024, the minimum length of the school day should be 6.5 hours. We are currently reviewing our school day timings to meet this expectation.