GSO Test


Help with Phonics

At HIS we have devised and developed our own systematic programme of teaching phonics called BURST. This home-developed approach involves learning actions alongside the sounds, which are taught in a systematic, staggered way, enabling pupils to learn and build, applying their knowledge of phonics across 'families' of sounds . Pupils who have been at the school since Foundation Stage are familiar with these actions and it really helps them make sense of the sounds and how they go together. The staff at HIS have worked hard to develop our own bespoke approach to teaching phonics so we have password protected the resources for use by the HSF community. We are currently updating these.  Parents/ carers, please enquire at the school office for the password.

Click here for more information about our approach to teaching phonics

Click here for our advice sheet for parents

Click here for the 'rules' for breaking down words when reading them

 Click here for further useful links and websites in regards to phonics

Help Videos

The following videos all require a password, available to parents/ carers of Hempstead Schools Federation on request at either school office.

The 'rules' of word building explained

 Foundation Stage Homework Guidance Video


 Term 3 Assessment videos