GSO Test




Key Stage 1

 In Year 1and Year 2, we build upon the history of themselves and that of their family by enabling the children to talk more about the significant events from their own past.  Whilst developing an awareness of the changes within living memory of both themselves but also of their family and society by using an ever wider vocabulary of everyday historical terms and a range of common words and phrases relating to the passing of time.  Children will learn about the lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements.  They will learn about the similarities and differences between life in different periods and will begin to gain the skills to  interpret events, and examine how people throughout history (eg Queen Victoria, Mary Seacole, Florence Nightingale, Christopher Columbus) have affected our lives and those of people in that era.  Children will begin to know where they fit into the wider chronological framework by comparing life today with life in the past, by examining what we know already and what clues have been left behind.   Our children will begin to recognise why events happened and use stories to show that they know and understand.