At Hempstead Infants School we want our children to become confident mathematicians who have the ability to communicate their ideas using a rich mathematical vocabulary.
We believe it is important for our young learners to meet maths ideas and concepts through practical experience and relate them to their everyday life experiences. We achieve this by making our lessons as practical as possible and allow children sufficient time to not only practice the acquired skill but to have the opportunity to apply it.
Mathematics at Hempstead Infants is taught using the statements from the National Curriculum. We also use the White Rose mastery scheme to ensure we have a consistent coverage across KS1 and that our children have opportunities to acquire a deeper understanding of concepts and be able to use this to reason mathematically and think creatively to solve problems.
We are also a member of Maths of the Day programme which encourages the use of physical activity to engage and motivate children in maths and as a result improve the attitudes and attainment of all children across the school.
Mathematics is also used, applied and developed through activities in other areas of the curriculum where appropriate e.g. measuring in D.T, data analysis in Science e.t.c I.C.T is also used where appropriate.
Daily lessons take place in all year groups. Within each lesson there will be opportunities for all children to
- practice mental strategies e.g. counting, number facts, times tables,
- practice and consolidate fundamental skills
- talk about their learning in pairs, groups, whole class and use the mathematical vocabulary
- challenge themselves through problem solving activities
- assess and review their own learning
Foundation Stage
In the Early Years the children are encouraged to explore number, counting, shape space and measures through a range of role play and practical activities. Maths is regularly taken beyond the classroom into their outside learning environment.
Key Stage 1
The children continue to explore and learn key mathematic skills using practical learning. More formal methods of recording are introduced gradually as the children progress.