GSO Test



Foundation Stage

The Foundation Stage Science curriculum is covered by the Specific Area of Understanding of the World. The children are introduced to Scientific thinking through challenging activities linked to the current theme. The outside areas are especially utilised for investigating seasonal changes, mini beasts and care for the environment. The children are encouraged to talk about what they have found out and investigate their own ideas through independent learning time.



Yeas 1 and 2

In Year 1 the children develop their Scientific knowledge through termly topics, they are encouraged to be a scientist by working methodically, making predictions, collecting data and answering questions. Children learn about living things including humans and plants. Classify and identify the uses of everyday materials and observing seasonal changes. The children are encouraged to work practically, developing their observational skills and to be outside to experience our natural environment first hand.

In Year 2 Science is included in termly topics and also through discrete Science lessons. Children are taught to work scientifically asking questions, making observations, classifying their results and answering questions using simple data. Children learn about living things and their habitats, plants and animal life cycles. They learn about keeping healthy and eating a balanced diet. They learn about the uses of everyday materials and how materials can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching.